File storage allows anyone to safely store and keep files with the ability to share. You can upload hundreds of files, organise folders, share your files by a variety of methods such as instant messenger, myspace, blog or forum. There is also a photo gallery so you can share photos and graphics also. And best of all its free.
Heres a few reasons why you should get a Mediafire account;
* unlimited storage
* up to 100MB per file
* unlimited up & downloads
* no sign required
* no software to install
* it's quick and simple to use
* did I mention that it's free.
I have created my own Mediafire files as I have a huge amount of powerpoints, photostories and pdfs that take up an enormous amount of space on my hard drive. I already have an external hard drive for big or old files but with Mediafire I can share them with others who have internet access. You access my media file at; http://www.mediafire.com/?lykatnyhoeh
This would be a great tool for Learning Managers to use as students would be able to link to the site from anywhere at anytime. According to Siemens (2004) connectivism theory, it is important to plug inot sources to meet our desired requirements that are to become vital skills in the future. Rather than handing out pieces of paper, students would have to download the work before they began the set task. With the strict filtering tools in place in the schools, Mediafire could be an alternative for out of school time access. File storage could be intergrated into any KLA task and as Stansbury (2009) found these tools will make it easier for the students to go beyond their classroom walls.
Siemens, G. (2004) Citing computer references. Retrieved August 1, 2009 from, http://www.elearnspace.org/Articles/connectivism.htm
Stansbury, M. (2009) Eschoolnews: six technologies soon to affect education. Retrieved July 21 2009 fom, http://www.eschoolnews.com/news/top-news/index.cfm
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